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A three hour residency in your own space.
Do you struggle to spend the time you need on your creative practice?
Are you working on something you need to commit to finishing?
Do you do well with just a little accountability from the outside?
Apply Now
We will check-in with you at the start and end of your time to hear about your work and offer feedback if you'd like it.
It's hard to carve out the time for the work that matters most to us. Especially now.
While many of us are doing everything from home, finding time and space can be more and more challenging.
We would like to hold space for your work, by helping create a small container, accountability and feedback for your process.
writing a novel...building anti-racist curriculum...editing your film...finishing an article...designing climate adaptation models...studying algorithmic bias...making a practice of self-care so you can keep giving on the ground...strategizing getting out the vote...choreographing a piece...programming health databases...or...
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